Calories in Beer

Calories in Beer

You can't win! The calories in beer are there and they're gonna stay there. Either in your glass or your belly. The wise thing you can do is to learn all about the calories in beer, which beers have more calories than other and how to avoid ruining your diet or daily calorie intake by drinking too much beer.

Calories in Beer or Rather...

When we're talking about calories in beer, we are actually talking about the calories in alcohol. I don't mean alcohol as in alcohol beverages, but the actual chemical ingridient alcohol. You know, like you know there are calories in sugar and calories in fat. So most of the calories in beer actually come from the alcohol.

Did you know that 85% of the calories in beer like Budweiser Select comes from the 4.3% alcohol?

So one thing you should remember when comparing calories in beer: the higher the alcohol percentage - the more beer calories! If you are watching your total calories but still want to have a beer once in a while - go for the light beers. They would definitely have less calories than the regular beer. Around 90-110 calories in 12 fl oz of light beer vs 140-170 calories in beer which are "regular".

Calories in Beer or Rather... (part 2)

Ask yourself: the last time I was in a bar, did I only drink a beer and that's all? Did the calories in "beer" were actually in beer or perhaps 5 beers? Maybe a shot of liquor of any kind? How about those nachoes I had with the beer, peanuts, bagels?

Catch my point?

Many times the so called "calories in beer" are actually calories divided among a few beverages and food we eat with the beer. This goes back to the way you manage how you eat and drink. No one would pay attention to the calories in beer if for a lot of people it wasn't a part of general unhealthy lifestyle. Eating junk food full of fat and useless calroies.

Calories in Beer - Just Do It

There is no real way around it. Every beer you drink you need to check its calories content. I can give you a list of all sorts of popular beers, but there are so many options out there! Check the websites and the label of every bottle for the amount of calories in beer, the amount of sugar and alcohol.

It's your health and responsibility. I can only help (and I do it gladly).

Calories in Beer
listing for example (for 12 fl oz):
Budweiser (5.0%) - 146 calories in beer
Bud Light (4.2%) - 110 calories in beer
Sam Adams Boston Lager (4.75%) - 160 calories in beer
Sam Adams Cream Stout (4.69%) - 195 calories in beer
Sam Adams IPA (5.93%) - 175 calories in beer
Sam Adams Light (4.05%) - 124 calories in beer
Miller Genuine Draft (4.7%) - 143 calories in beer
Miller Genuine Draft Light (4.2%) - 110 calories in beer
Miller Lite (4.2%) - 96 calories in beer
Michelob Beer (5.0%) - 155 calories in beer
Michelob Golden Draft (4.7%) - 152 calories in beer
Michelob Golden Draft Light (4.1%) - 110 calories in beer
Michelob Ultra (4.1%) - 95 calories in beer